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Info Gathering evidence in patent proceedings? EPLAW's Europe/Japan mock trials may be what you need

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Article AmeriKat, Article EPLAW, Article evidence, Article french, Article Germany, Article japan, Article Merpel, Article mock trial, Article patent infringement, Article patent judges,

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Info Gathering evidence in patent proceedings? EPLAW's Europe/Japan mock trials may be what you need

Somewhat, but not completely revealing,
Merpel impersonates a defendant's 
voluntary infringement evidence....
September seems to be the month of mock trials, with at least three in the works as far as the AmeriKat is aware.  An exciting mock dealing with the new world of biosimilars litigation will be entertaining the lucky attendees at this year's AIPPI's World Congress in Milan (more details to come).  Only a few days later on 23 September 2016 in Paris, not one but four Mock Trials will be heard before Judges Shitara, Girardet, Grabinski and Hacon, respectively.  Each hearing will address the topic close to any patent litigator's heart - gathering evidence in patent proceedings.  The four hearings promise to result in an insightful comparison between Japanese, French, German and English approaches to evidence in patent proceedings.

The announcement states that:
"​Proving infringement of patents in complex technologies is increasingly challenging. Often the key evidence is in hands of another party and may be highly confidential. The court procedures of the key jurisdictions of Japan, France, Germany and the UK have developed a variety of approaches to deal with these challenges, and continue to evolve. The UPC rules of procedure have adapted a number of these approaches. 
The Japanese court and legislature are also reforming evidence gathering. This event provides an insight from judges and patent litigation lawyers from these key jurisdictions involved at the forefront of the development of the law. The evidence gathering challenges which patentees and defendants face in the current systems and in the future will be brought to life by a mock trial format 
The event is supported by the European Patent Lawyers’ Association (EPLAW) which represents patent litigators across Europe. ​ Leading Japanese IP associations are co-sponsoring the event and have been involved in the reform of Japanese evidence gathering reform."
The event, which is also promoted by JETRO, Japan Intellectual Property Association, Japan Patent Attorneys Association, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and the IP Lawyers Network Japan, kicks off  at 9:30AM with Kat friend Penny Gilbert (President of EPLAW) introducing the day.  The evening ends with drinks at 6PM.  Tickets are €150, but includes lunch and evening drinks reception.

So if you would like to see advocates like Alex Wilson (Powell Gilbert), Christof Augenstein (Kather Augenstein) and Koichi Tsujii (Nakamura) get a grilling from the judges click here to register.

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